
It is the first rocket developed by the team. Its mission was to test our technology and the knowledge acquired about rocket manufacturing.


Bravo is the second rocket designed, manufactured, and launched by the team. Its complete development represents a significant advance in the team’s history.


Arima is the third rocket that the team has made, in which all elements except the engine have been manufactured by the team.


Ganimedes is main objective was to test a new parachute deployment system, successfully fulfilling this mission.


Io is a rocket developed concurrently with Ganymede and has been successfully launched twice. The first launch, like Ganymede’s, was to test a new parachute deployment system, and the second was to implement a system for deploying two parachutes instead of just one.


Charlie is the largest and heaviest rocket launched by a national rocket team and the largest and most powerful developed by the team.


ATLAS es el primer cohete modular del equipo diseñado para ser una plataforma con una alta cadencia de vuelos. Con el objeto de ser modular se consigue que el cohete sea muy manejable y fácilmente transportable, pudiéndose ensamblar “in situ” de manera sencilla, además de la flexibilidad de añadir nuevos sistemas.


Con HERMES, el equipo se ha aventurado a los retos que supone el vuelo supersónico, marcando un antes y un después, ya que abre las puertas a lanzamientos más ambiciosos y sirve de base para los nuevos cohetes que se van a desarrollar.


XXXX will be the next large rocket launched by the team.