Ganimedes and Io are two rockets completely designed by the team, except for the engine, which is a purchased solid motor. These rockets were designed during the second half of 2021, with the main goal of testing a new parachute deployment system, a necessary feature for recovering the rockets intact. Both rockets are very similar in construction, having an internal structure of threaded bars to which floors are attached at different heights. The design of these rockets also features a notable nose cone, which has been manufactured by team members using fiberglass. The main differences between them lie in the materials used and their size.
Io measures around 170 cm and 16 cm in diameter. This rocket consisted of a bar frame, aluminum fuselage, and a fiberglass nose cone made by the team.
It was launched 2 weeks after Ganímedes, on March 12th. The rocket ascended to about 460 meters before beginning its descent, once the parachute was deployed. Io was recovered in one piece and in good condition, confirming the proper functioning of the recovery system that was used.
After the launches of Ganímedes and Io, there arose the need to implement a system to deploy two parachutes instead of just one. The first, smaller in size, would open at the highest point of the flight, while the second, larger parachute would open when closer to the ground. The aim of this method was to reduce the rocket’s fall footprint, that is, the area in which it can land, which is very necessary in the case of rockets that reach great heights.
Therefore, Io was launched again on November 5th, testing the new two-stage deployment method. The flight went according to plan, and the rocket landed less than 50 meters from the launch point, confirming that the goal of this new system was achieved.